Colors for hope and equality - Picnic blankets to Momentum 2023


Exhibition: Colors for hope end equality (2018–2030) participating in Momentum 12
Time: June 10th - Oct 8th, 2023
Place: Gallery F15, Jeløya
Supported by: Sparebankstiftelsen
Read more about the project: Farger for håp og likeverd
Link to:
Tenthaus and Momentum 12
Together with 4th and 6th graders at Møllergata school we have made picnic blankets for Momentum. The blankets are sewn from recycled garment pieces and applied with natural dyed patches. The patches are made by 220 pupils at Møllergata, participating in Colors for hope and equality from 2018 to 2023. Each blanket has a title applied, describing actions/values in contrast to violence and oppression. Values we have discussed during our process of making.

The best picnic blankets create a comfortable barrier between you and the ground, keeping you dry and protected. We hope that ours in addition will inspire conversations about equality, the fight for change and the hope for a future without violence.


Forestilling i Trondheim fengsel: BRUDD - frihet er et lite ord.


A Room Between the Rooms (2020–2023)